WFHB Youth Radio Opportunities

WFHB Youth Radio Opportunities

Local radio station, WFHB, offers students radio programming experience called Youth Radio on Saturdays from 6-10pm. Students can participate in one hour blocks to provide podcasts, pre-recorded news stories, disc jockey experience and more.

The many positions in Youth Radio offer different roles. Even If you dislike the spotlight, there are still roles for you and your friends. Like previously mentioned, there are the standard radio broadcast one could do, but students can also write scripts, direct a show and create podcasts, according to Adriane Pontecorvo, Youth Radio program director.

“Our Youth Radio program is a great opportunity for any student who wants to make their voice heard to the wider Bloomington community, whether by putting together a great music mix or talking about issues that are important to them and their community,” Pontecorvo said.

Mr. Philbeck, North teacher and a host at WFHB, had this to say about Youth Radio.

“How you program and what you program is up to you. We want everyone to feel very comfortable,” he said.

There’s even an opportunity for students who don’t want anything to do with radio equipment. Students can write online articles for WFHB.

Adriane Pontecorvo said more about WFHB.

“In the time I’ve served at Youth Radio, I’ve heard hosts tell me that Youth Radio has made them feel more confident in their lives in general. I’ve had hosts who write entire scripts for themselves to tell stories on the air as well as hosts who just like to lean into the music for an hour,” Pontecorvo said.

Journalism is a field that thrives on experience, so being on radio at such a young age is an opportunity that will boost your chances in getting into a media related field.

To get involved in Youth Radio, you can contact the director or stop by the station during operating times. Use this opportunity to familiarize yourself with the crew and equipment.

Visit the website at:

Call at: (812) 323-1200

Visit the station: 108 West 4th St.

Or Email the director at: [email protected]