Government Class Raises Money to Purchase Solar Panel for North

In Mr. Balasko’s Honors Government class, students could expect to go on a field trip to get some first hand experience; instead, he decided to shake things up. Anything the class wanted to change about the school was fair game for their new project.

They decided on getting the school a Solar Panel.

“I gave them a choice of different options they could do, to get involved in the community, or here at school.” Mr. Balasko said.

Solar panels, however, aren’t cheap; based on the class’s estimates, a single panel will cost approximately 16-17,000 dollars.

“We’re also looking at other sources of funding,” he said. “The city of Bloomington is doing a solar panel initiative starting this month, for residential solar panels. We’re looking into contacting [the Solarize Bloomington Project], and we want to get involved with that, but we have to meet with the City Council, and [learn] exactly what we can do to get involved with that.”

The argument for solar power consists of several benefits and setbacks. Solar is easily renewable and abundant, it is good for the environment, and it reduces the costs of electricity. Despite also being low-maintenance, however, it has to be said that solar is expensive, and not just in paying for panels; storing the energy in batteries also takes a fair amount of money.

To raise money for the project, there was a Bake Sale Fundraiser on Saturday, downtown at Global Gifts from 11-3.  

The Solar Panel Project will be continued next semester, unless the class decides to work on another cause instead.

The other Government Class is also doing a project; they are trying to lift some of the restrictions in the library, and like the first class, they are working with the School Board to see results. Balasko will probably keep doing a project to better the school or community with future classes.

There are different jobs for the class, depending on the needs that arise. Seniors Elena Herrera and Jacob Taylor were behind the Stop Killing the World posters. Arthur Duana, another senior, is part of the research team.

“”The class is divided into different groups, basically… And we’re going to write an essay over it for class,” Duana said.

It will be a difficult journey to get even a single solar panel, but the class is working hard. Next semester, if they continue the project, there will be other fundraisers to achieve their goal.