The Importance of Media

 In January of this year, Trump and the GOP released their highly anticipated Fake News Awards. In an article published online, Trump called out a number of established and reputable news sources such as the New York Times, ABC News, CNN and more, even implying libel and defamation.

In Trump’s America, this is the response the news media receives from the highest office in the land for simply reporting news.

Fused is incredibly sympathetic to huge newspapers and media outlets such as TIME, The New York Times, Washington Post, CNN, and many more. As journalists, it is our job to report the news in a clear, unbiased and organized way. We work to serve, inform and excite the public about local, national and international events.

When it comes to the national media today we seem to be living between two realities: what the news reports and what the President tweets.

Journalists now more than ever have a responsibility to report the news in a professional, unbiased way to counteract the specific agenda being pushed out to the public by the government, that sadly many people believe blindly.

In a political culture with constant scandals, government shutdowns and many important pieces of legislature on the brink of passing or dying, it is imperative for Americans to be correctly informed on current events.

As journalists, readers and American citizens who desire the right to free speech, free press and as much transparency at the federal level as we can get, we must not bend to the President’s denial of facts. Journalists and readers alike now more than ever have a responsibility to actively seek out the truth.