Staff Members Share Their New Year’s Resolutions

While some refuse to believe in New Year’s resolutions, others embrace it with fervor.  Fused staff members offer up their vastly different perspectives of New Year’s resolutions.  We hope this inspires you to make a New Year’s resolution, or not.


Arianna Buehler:

Newspaper Student Arianna Buehler doesn’t believe in New Year’s resolutions. Her logic is that every day should be an opportunity to set a new goal and achieve something.

““When you first decide to make a New Year’s resolution you have the goal in mind but you’re already holding it off by saying ‘oh, I’m going to wait until January first to start it instead of starting that day,’” Buehler said.

Instead of waiting for a specific day like January first, Buehler likes to start working on her goals as soon as she comes up with them.

“You should have the motivation in the beginning to develop it into a habit,” Buehler said.


Kristen Bills:

Sophomore Kristen Bills turned a new leaf when she set a resolution for the first time in years.

“I felt like during 2016 I didn’t get a lot done personally,” Bills said. “I didn’t learn any new skills.”

This year Bills wants to change that.

“Last year for Christmas my dad got me a piano and I never really used it,” said Bills.

Her goal for 2017 is to learn how to play the piano through self-teaching.

“It’s kind of hard but I’m determined to do it,” said Bills. “It’s just practicing a lot until you discover your own techniques.”


Frances Sheets:

Frances Sheets’ goal for the year is to eat healthier and to be more active.

“I’ve definitely worked out more and ate better in the past,” Sheets said. “I think this year, just because of stress, I’ve kind of slipped…I was pescatarian for 3 years and I was vegan for a while last year.”

This year Sheets is going to try and stick to paleo diet.

“My mom does this thing called whole 30 and she really liked it and I was like well I need to eat healthier anyway so I thought I would kick start it with just doing what she’s doing cause then she can just cook everything that she’s making for herself for me,” said Sheets. Even though Sheets is trying something new, she still believes she eats healthier than most other students.

“I think I eat really healthy anyway- probably healthier than a lot of people just because my family has always eaten healthy,” said Sheets.


Sydney Piercy:

Sydney Piercy’s goal for 2017 is to read more books.

“I used to read all the time when I was little and I still love to read but I just don’t have time,” said Piercy.

Piercy normally doesn’t make a new year’s resolution but this year she made an exception.

“I’m going to try and keep it,” Piercy said. “I just want to read more books because it’s something that I like to do.”


Cayla Burton:

For Cayla Burton it has been difficult for her to stay encouraged while facing difficult situations. Her goal for the year is to be more positive.

“With anything that’s thrown at me I’m going to look at it from a different angle so that I can analyze it and not take it wrong,” Burton said.

Burton believes that by staying positive she will be able to get through tough times.

“This will just keep me going,” Burton said


Tracy Lamptey:

Tracy Lamptey’s goal is simple.

“To listen to more music, better play the piano, and eat more,” Lamptey said, when describing her surprising resolution.

“I just love music and food so much,” Lamptey said. “I just have to have a new year’s resolution about it.”


Isabel Garcia:

Isabel Garcia has a habit of isolating herself but in 2017 she hopes to break that habit.

“I fall into this trap of ‘it’s me against the world,’” Garcia said. She hopes to improve and retain her strong friendships without being too sensitive.

“I have a tendency to move on from people very quickly, especially friends,” Garcia said.

“I know that this isn’t really your typical new year’s resolution- it’s a little bit more in depth.” Garcia said.